Get ready for FuelEU today

FuelEU is here. HFO, LFO, MDO and MGO will be fined from 2025 onwards.

The FuelEU Maritime Regulation was introduced as part of the EU's efforts to support decarbonisation. FuelEU Maritime sets maximum limits for the yearly average greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of the energy used by ships above 5,000 gross tonnage trading in the EU. HFO, LFO, MDO and MGO will be fined from 2025 onwards. LNG will also be fined from 2030 onwards depending on the fuel type.

From 1 January 2025, vessels travelling to EU must use fuel with a GHG intensity of less than 89.2.

MarinaNet provides GHG intensity calculation of your fuel usage and calculate the fine for your vessels.

We also provide biofuel and pooling support.

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